Effectiveness Of Relaxation Technique On Occupational Stress Among Construction Workers Inselected Construction Area At Puducherry


  • Prof. Dr. Malliga. M, Prof. Dr. Rajeswari. R, Prof. Ganesan E, Prof. Jayanthi K, Mr. Iyyappan T


Occupational stress, Relaxation technique, Construction workers.



Occupational stress or workplace stress in this context refers to the stress experienced as a direct result of a worker’s occupation. The impact of Occupational stress is among construction workers and the conditions of work are increased workloads, high competition. Construction workers must be learning how to deal with occupational stress and improve their job performance, staying safe on the job, and maintaining good physical and mental health. So, this study was conducted for reducing occupational stress by providing relaxation techniques on occupational stress among the construction workers.

Materials and Methods: The quantitative research approach, the pre-experimental one group pre and post-test only design was used in this study. Non-probability purposive sampling technique was used, 50 construction workers were selected for the data collection procedure. The pre-test was conducted among the 50 construction workers by using a modified occupational stress scale by cooper. Level of stress was identified and after giving the intervention of Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation technique to the construction workers. The Post-test was conducted after 7 days and the effect of the relaxation technique was assessed by modified occupational stress scale. Results: The effectiveness of relaxation technique among the construction workers: pre-test levels of stress level among the construction workers and moderate level is regarding occupational stress 9 (18%) severe level of occupational stress among construction workers is 41 (82%). Post-test levels of occupational stress mild 16 (32%) moderate 34 (68%) and none of them have severe stress after the post-test. The mean score of occupational stress in the pre-test was 72.54± 18.345 and the mean score in the post-test was 34.88± 10.275 respectively. The calculated paired test value of t = 15.26was greater than the tabulated value p<0.001. Hence the research hypothesis H1 and H2was accepted. In pre-test educational status had significant association chi- secure vale (13.04), d.f 4 at p<0.05. Post –test demographic variables of since how long working habitual personal practice and yes means had shown statistically significant association level of occupational stress among construction workers with chi- square value of x2=5.99, d. f=2),(x2= 8.720, d.f =1) and x2 =10.63, d.f =3 p < 0.05 level. Conclusion: The result of this study proved that the selected nursing intervention is very effective in occupational stress (t value 15.26 (p= <0.001 had a significant effect in reducing occupational stress among construction workers




