Inflammatory breast cancer remains the most aggressive form of breast cancer. A multimodality therapeutic plan has shown improved survival results


  • Moataz Dowaidar


Even though inflammatory breast cancer remains the most aggressive form of breast cancer, with the highest rates of morbidity and mortality, other types of breast cancer do exist. In addition to Nneoadjuvant chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation, a multimodality therapeutic plan including these procedures has shown improved survival results for locally advanced disease. Most current research focuses on finding new and novel therapy strategies that can allow people with inflammatory breast cancer to have a longer lifespan. The availability of genomic testing enables early detection of primary and acquired drug resistance as well as the assessment of treatment choices. In addition, an in-depth understanding of inflammatory breast cancer molecular biology will assist in the discovery of critical genomic alterations and oncogenic pathways that contribute to tumor formation and spreading. Future studies will give more valuable information that may be used in clinics to better treatment outcomes.




