India – Russia Relations During The Upa Government: An Exploration Of Economic, Defence And Secutiry Operations


  • A.Harikrishnan, Dr. D. Sivakumar


Trade, Investment, Energy, Security, Counter-Terrorism, Multi-Lateral Organisation


The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government in India, which was in power from 2004 to 2014, sought to strengthen relations with Russia through cooperation in various areas such as trade and investment, energy, defense, science and technology, counter-terrorism, and multilateral organizations like G-20, BRICS, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). The UPA government signed several agreements with Russia to promote cooperation in these fields, including the establishment of a joint investment fund, the purchase of military equipment, and joint research and development projects. In the energy sector, the UPA government aimed to increase cooperation through the construction of new nuclear power plants and cooperation in nuclear research and development. Cooperation in counter-terrorism and intelligence-sharing was also a priority for the UPA government, as was promoting peace, security, and development in the United Nations (UN).


In the multilateral arena, the UPA government sought to deepen cooperation with Russia in the G-20, BRICS, and SCO to promote economic and political cooperation among member states. Additionally, the UPA government also sought to enhance cooperation with Russia in various UN bodies and forums, such as the Security Council, the General Assembly, and the Economic and Social Council. Cultural and people-to-people ties were also emphasized by the UPA government through the promotion of cooperation in the field of culture, education, and tourism.


However, the UPA government's cooperation with Russia faced some challenges, such as the global economic downturn and sanctions, which had an impact on bilateral relations. Additionally, the UPA government faced criticism from opposition parties and sections of the media over the high cost of some of the deals with Russia and the lack of transparency in some of the procurement processes. Despite these challenges, the UPA government's efforts to strengthen relations with Russia were overall successful and laid a strong foundation for future cooperation between the two countries.This article discusses the efforts made by the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government in India during its tenure from 2004 to 2014 to strengthen relations with Russia through cooperation in areas such as trade and investment, energy, defense, science and technology, counter-terrorism and multilateral organizations like G-20, BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO).




