Chemical Evaluation Of Dentin Surfaces Following Cariosolv Treatment


  • Dr. Prasanta Majumder, Dr. Anjali Reji, Dr. Sulaima Mehar, Dr.Pallavi Ammu Thomas, *Corresponding Author: Dr. Shyamalendu Laskar, Dr. Anshika Suman


Dentin, Chemical, Spectroscopic


Background of the study- The treatment of carious lesions has resulted in removal of considerable tooth structures since the introduction and use of rotary instruments. Various newer caries excavation techniques like ultrasonic, lasers, chemomechanical, air polishing etc have been employed to prevent exposing this layer of dentin.

Aim and objective- To evaluate the surface characteristics after Carisolv application and excavation of caries with burs and also to determine the adhesive penetration bonding, using Micro Raman spectroscopy.

Methodology- A total forty human extracted molars with caries were were divided  into Group 1 - Excavation with bur (20 teeth) and Group 2 - Excavation using Carisolv 2 (20 teeth), After removing of caries from both group specimen For both Group specimens were analyzed under Micro Raman Spectroscopy  and electron microscope for the evaluation of chemical ( organic and inorganic ) content and after using Unifil Bond , changes in the integrity of the dentin and the penetration of the adhesive into the dentin was evaluated .

Result- The mean penetration of the dentin bonding resin for group 2(Carisolv group) was  20 μm and for group 1(bur group)was 10 μm. The results was statistically significant. But After excavation, there was not substantial variation in the chemical makeup of the two groups between group.





