Intellectual Property Rights In Indian Pharmaceutical Sectors


  • Ms Swati Pareek, Prof. (Dr.) Mahesh Koolwal


Patents, Intellectual Property Right (IPR), Pharmaceuticals, TRIPS.


Patent protection for pharmaceutical products and processes has become the global standard. The pharmaceutical industry in Indian has been growing in the post-trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights period. On the other hand, there are still concerns that the new patent act might reduce generic drug supplies and lower access to medicines in India. For many years prior to its membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO), India did not recognize product patents for Pharmaceuticals. For encouraging pharmaceutical R and D, the patent system is the best system. For the advancement of research, the pharmaceutical patent is essential to disclosure system. Since India is the major manufacturer as well supplier for generic drugs, the issue of access to medicines is crucial not only for India but also for other poor developing countries. Thus, the Government of India should seek an appropriate balance between the development of the pharmaceutical industry in Indian and the improvement of public health. The aim of this article is to gather some information from various sources and provides the fundamental knowledge of pharmaceutical patent to the public and pharmaceutical professionals toward the patent.




