Transforming Healthcare Innovations: Integrating AI in Drug Discovery, Development, and Nursing Practice


  • Ravula Sahithya Ravali, Amutha Chellathurai, Jerlin Priya Lovelin Auguskani, Lingala Kalyan Viswanath Reddy, Bayapa Reddy Narapureddy, Dinesh Mavaluru


Pharmaceutical Business, Nursing Practice, Security and Privacy, Digital Environment, Drug Research and Development, Clinical Data


In this research the AI's main applications in drug research, development and nursing practice are summarized below. First, AI systems can identify and validate targets by analyzing enormous biological and chemical data. Scientists and researchers must first identify and evaluate disease-specific therapeutic targets to boost drug development success. Second, AI improves novel drugs. Algorithms educated on drug data may develop new compounds with the desired properties. This may increase medicine potency, adverse effects, and efficacy. Finally, AI makes enormous compound datasets easier to nursing practice, examine, enabling virtual screening and lead development. They may reduce time and money compared to standard experimental screening methods while still discovering medication candidates that interact with targets. AI systems can model drug-target interactions, helping researchers understand drug action and side effects. Scientists and researchers can make safer drugs using this knowledge. AI optimization may improve nursing practice and clinical studies. AI analyzes patient data, finds suitable demographics, and predicts trial success to help build more efficient and targeted studies. AI may also discover novel medication applications. AI systems can search large databases for drugs that might be utilized for new treatments, speeding up disease treatment. Last, AI simplifies data mining and analysis from scientific articles, medical records, and patent libraries. This helps us learn new pharmaceutical targets and treatment techniques faster. In conclusion, AI-driven pharmaceutical medication research and development has the potential to revolutionize drug discovery, design, and commercialization. Researchers and pharmaceutical companies seek to use AI technology to reduce costs, shorten development periods, increase clinical trial results, and provide patients safer and more effective drugs. However, further research, validation, and collaboration between AI experts and pharmaceutical scientists is needed to fully realize AI's potential.




