Pioneering Ethical Boundaries: Empowering AI Governance for the Future of Pharmaceutical and Nursing Sectors


  • Ravula Sahithya Ravali, Jerlin Priya Lovelin Auguskani, Lingala Kalyan Viswanath Reddy, Bayapa Reddy Narapureddy, Amutha Chellathurai, Dinesh Mavaluru


Drug Research, Pharmaceutical industry, Nursing, Digital Security and Privacy, Public Health, Technology Privacy.


Artificial Intelligence influences the enhancement of drug research, clinical trials, and patient care in the pharmaceutical and nursing industry. However, robust AI governance must address many ethical issues. This research summarizes key governance and ethical challenges connected to pharmaceutical and nursing AI application. Privacy and security are paramount. Since AI relies on huge volumes of personal health data, privacy and security must be strictly enforced. To provide informed permission and protect privacy, patients must be educated about AI usage, its benefits, and risks.AI bias and fairness are crucial. Algorithms trained on prior data may discriminate in healthcare access and treatment recommendations. Bias must be addressed throughout development to ensure fair and equal AI outputs.AI governance requires accountability and responsibility. The pharmaceutical and nursing sector must fix any algorithmic errors or biases in its AI technologies. A system must address concerns, explain, and repair AI system harm. Regulation and monitoring are essential for pharmaceutical and nursing AI safety and ethics. Regulatory bodies and industry participants must work together to solve AI issues including data security, transparency, bias mitigation, and safety. AI can assist, but humans must supervise and choose. Experts who can evaluate several elements and make ethical decisions should make healthcare decisions. The long-term and unexpected effects of AI adoption must also be researched and prevented. Safely integrating AI into pharmaceuticals and nursing sector involves cooperation and knowledge sharing. Open discussion, collaboration between academics, business, and regulatory groups, and best practices may address ethical issues and ensure that AI breakthroughs benefit society. If it solves ethical problems and builds robust AI governance frameworks, the pharmaceutical industry can exploit AI's potential while preserving patients' rights, being fair, and benefiting society.




