Bacteriophage Therapy: Recent Developments And Applications Of A Renaissant Weapon


  • Pavithra Bharathy, Prena D, Magesh M*, Senthilraj R, Poornima M, C N.Hemalatha, J.K.Shyamala5,Srinidhi K


Bacteriophage; Modern approaches; Phage therapy applications and limitations


Antimicrobial resistance is a global health concern and one of the most important issues in the healthcare business. Bacteriophages are antibacterial agents that exist naturally. The use of bacteriophages as therapeutics has lately revived as antibiotic resistance has increased. This research focuses on recent advancements in phage therapy and its applications in human diseases, animals, food, and the environment. Furthermore, the use of phage proteins, bioengineered bacteriophages, and phage-derived vaccines is highlighted. The limits and concerns linked with phage therapy implementation, host safety, and immunological responses are also discussed in this article. Bacteriophage therapy has been established for over a century, but the discovery of antibiotics resulted in a significant drop in interest and funding in this field of study.




