Assessment of Nutritional Status of Chronic Renal Failure Patients on Hemodialysis Using Malnutrition Inflammation Score: A Cross-sectional Study


  • Deep Shikha and *Sunita Mishra


Chronic kidney disease, Hemodialysis, Nutritional status, Malnutrition inflammation score.



Malnutrition is one of the common problems for haemodialysis patients or chronic kidney disease (CKD) due to protein energy wasting, poor appetite status, high diet monotony index, and micronutrient deficiency. Hence, nutritional assessment is needed to identify a patient suffering from CKD due to lack of malnutrition.


In the present study, nutritional status of haemodialysis patients has been checked using Malnutrition Inflammation Score (MIS) by a cross-sectional study.


This cross-sectional study was carried out on 100 patients in dialysis center in Lucknow City, India. Direct interviews using self -structured questionnaire, MIS and a 24-hour dietary recall method were used to collect data during the period of the study from 14th January to 14th July 2022.


In the present study, 64 haemodialysis patients were males and 36 haemodialysis patients were females. The mean age of all patients was recorded 57.6±16 years by direct interview/self-questionnaire and the measured mean height and mean body mass index (BMI) of each patient were 166 cm, 48.8, respectively. In our study, we found that half of the patients 52% were mildly malnourished and 36% were moderately malnourished and only 12% were normal using MIS. Afterward, we observed that 40% of the haemodialysis cases were registered due to drug addicts and 36% of the patients due to hypertension. The functional capacity highlighted that 36% of patients had mild deterioration. The mean score of functional capacity scale was 7.66. Therefore, a significant relationship was found in between malnutrition and chronic kidney disease due to hemodialysis duration, vomiting, level of nutritional knowledge and functional capacity. Hence, this method can be useful to health care practitioners to enable individualized patient care, as well as to determine country-specific malnutrition treatment strategies especially for CKD.




