Prediction Of Disease Outbreak During Pandemic Using Deep Learning


  • Smita Attarde & Pawan R Bhaladhare


disease outbreak prediction, deep learning models, evaluation metrics, feature importance, spatial and temporal patterns, interpretability, public health, resource allocation, response strategies


Predicting the occurrence of a disease epidemic is an important part of public health research because it may alert people to impending danger and shed light on how infectious illnesses spread. Recent advances in deep learning have made it possible to analyze massive datasets, identify complicated patterns, and provide reliable predictions. This abstract provides a concise overview of the main results and implications of applying deep learning models to the problem of forecasting disease outbreaks. This research set out to investigate the feasibility of employing deep learning models to forecast disease outbreaks and assess how well they did so using a variety of criteria. A dataset with temporal, geographical, and contextual information relevant to disease outbreaks during a pandemic was used in the research. A preprocessing step included splitting the dataset into a training set, a validation set, and a test set. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) were among the deep learning models that were trained and tested. This shows that deep learning models are useful for foreseeing epidemics. The models performed very well on measures of accuracy (accuracy, precision, and recall) and validity (recall and F1 score) for making predictions about the presence of illness. The models also showed strong discriminative power in grading the severity of outbreaks, as shown by a high area under the ROC curve (AUC-ROC). The models also had respectable RMSE values, showing they were successful in gauging the extent of illness outbreaks.


The finding's interpretation highlighted the significance of several variables and model components in predicting disease outbreaks. Time of year and temporal patterns were shown to be significant characteristics in feature significance analysis for predicting illness incidence. Geographical factors and proximity to high-risk locations were also important spatial factors. Disease outbreak risk factors were also illuminated by contextual variables such as population density, socioeconomic indices, and accessibility to healthcare. Heatmaps and time series plots were used to display the regional and temporal patterns of disease epidemics. High-risk locations and times of elevated disease activity were highlighted in the visualizations depicting the dynamics and spread of disease outbreaks. Interventions, resource allocation, and response tactics can all benefit from this data when dealing with public health. Vaccination drives and stepped-up monitoring are only two examples of targeted interventions that may be carried out in high-risk areas and at the appropriate times. While the findings highlighted the usefulness of deep learning models in predicting disease outbreaks, various caveats, and difficulties must be taken into account. To begin, a lot of labeled data is needed to train deep learning models. It may be difficult and time-consuming to collect and categorize this kind of information, especially in the early phases of a pandemic. Furthermore, the quality and representativeness of the training data greatly affect the performance of deep learning models. The predicted accuracy of the models may suffer if the dataset contains biases, gaps, or errors. The difficulty of understanding the results of deep learning models is another obstacle. As a result of their complexity, many people view deep learning models as mysterious black boxes. It might be difficult to make sense of the model's predictions and the reasoning behind them. Improved transparency and confidence in the forecasts might be achieved through the creation of interpretable deep-learning models and approaches for explaining their judgments. Furthermore, the pandemic's unique traits and the disease's dynamic may affect the deep learning models' performance. It's possible that models developed using only local or historical data won't accurately predict future epidemics. Maintaining the models' prediction accuracy requires constant assessment and adjustment based on new data.




