Recent Advancement, Approaches And Strategies In Drug Delivery System Design


  • Binod Lamichhane, Meenakshi Kandwal, Dr. Shivanand Patil


Drug Delivery System, Nano technology, Biomaterials, Carbon Nanotubes, Robotic Pills, Computer Aided Drug Delivery System Design, 3D Printing, Gene Therapy, Artificial Intelligence, Clinical Trials, Therapeutic efficacy



Drug Delivery Systems (DDS) play a critical role in modern medicine by enabling targeted and controlled drug release to specific areas of the body. Recent advancements in drug delivery have significantly improved the therapeutic efficacy and safety of drugs. This review provides a concise overview of the recent progress made in this field, focusing on the development of highly sophisticated drug delivery systems.

The main body of the abstract

Efforts in drug delivery have been directed towards achieving site-specific targeting while minimizing systemic exposure and associated side effects. Various techniques and rapid advancements in delivery systems have been adopted to deliver drugs with precise localization and minimal dosage, thus preventing drug dispersion into the systemic circulation. These advancements have led to the emergence of highly advanced drug delivery systems for the treatment of various diseases. This review emphasizes the distribution strategies, construction methodologies, and specific instances that have contributed to the recent progress in drug delivery system design. Nanotechnology has played a pivotal role by enabling precise manipulation and engineering of drug delivery systems at the nanoscale. Gene therapy, AI, CAAD (Computer-Aided Drug Design), Robotic Pills, and biomaterials have also been extensively explored to enhance targeting and controlled release of drugs. These approaches and strategies hold immense potential in improving the efficacy and safety of drug delivery, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes.

Short conclusion

Pharmaceutical experts and researchers interested in drug delivery system design will find this review to be a valuable resource. It provides insights into the recent advancements in DDS design and highlights the potential of nanotechnology, gene therapy, AI, CAAD, Robotic Pills, and biomaterials in revolutionizing drug delivery.





