A Comprehensive Assessment Of The Influence Of Lean Management Practices On Patient Satisfaction At A Small Healthcare Facility


  • Tarannum, Dr Anuja Pandey, Dr Arti Rauthan


Lean Management, Practices, Quality of care, Patient satisfaction, Small Healthcare Facility.


Healthcare is affected by rising competition in all fields. Quality health services are health service providers' biggest competitive advantage. The demand for better healthcare services stems from health-related knowledge, technological advancements, and evolving expectations and attitudes. Lean healthcare is said to improve satisfaction with care, however, there is not enough evidence to back up this claim. The study included outpatient department (OPD) patients from Pushpanjali Medical Center, Delhi involved with patients voluntarily. Around 340 participants were included in the study through questionnaire analysis on patient satisfaction. The study found that most patients are middle-aged, educated, and wealthy. Thus, the selected volunteers are qualified to investigate hospital safety practices. The area with the highest satisfaction levels (n = 308) was hospital care, with a p-value of 0.01 indicating high significance to lean management practice. Patients mostly answered "strongly agree" for most issues, indicating great satisfaction with lean management. Lean healthcare implementations enhance patient satisfaction. Lean healthcare professionals have focused more on patient perspectives.  In addition, patients were pleased with hospital and nurse care.





