A Review On Enterobacterial Multidrug Resistance


  • Pooja C, Sashtipriyaa R, Mariyam Susan Joji, R.Kavitha*


Multidrug resistance, Enterobacters, Resistance plasmids, Multidrug efflux pumps, Combination drug therapy, Beta- lactamases


Multidrug-resistant bacteria (MDR) are one of the major threats to public health in the modern era, and it can be difficult for medical personnel to diagnose and treat a patient's condition at the appropriate time. Alarmingly, the resistance across several bacterial species to various antimicrobial treatments has developed into the risk to global public health. It leads to microbial resistance to conventional therapy, which prolongs sickness, raises healthcare expenditures, and significantly increases the risk of mortality. The new resistance mechanisms emerging quickly and the decline in the therapeutic effectiveness of prevalent disease outbreaks are the root causes of this failure of microbiological response to the traditional treatment that are available. The general people must be taught how to take an antibiotic for the specific disease since multidrug-resistant organisms can develop when antibiotics are administered improperly or for longer than necessary. Antibiotic resistance has accelerated naturally as a result of antibiotic misuse in both people and animals. Salmonellosis, TB, gonorrhoea and pneumonia are just a handful of the diseases that can be ailments which are becoming less easy to treat as the efficiency of the antibiotics used to treat them falls. This review discusses MDR's problems and the requirement to comprehend its relevance as well as methods for battling microbe-borne illnesses in light of how important MDR is in the current scenario.





