A Cross Sectional Study To Assess The Prevalence Of Migraine In Relation With Depression


  • Marjorie Miraclin K, Sameena Parveen Nizam, Prakash J, Sornambigai K.N, Sneha V,


migraine, depression, prevalence, hospital stress and depression scale


This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the prevalence of migraine-related depression in a sample of 1050 people. Quantitative research and non-experimental research are used in this study. Data were collected at ACS Medical College and Hospital, Chennai, covering both urban and rural areas. The study population included participants diagnosed with migraine who admitted to OPD for treatment, and individuals with migraine and depression. The frequency of migraine is classified according to different disability levels and ranges from 42 for mild disability.

3%, 12.6% mildly, 19.3% moderately and 25.8% severely disabled. In addition, the distribution of participants by age and gender was also examined.

The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was used to measure anxiety and depression in the cases. The findings show that there are more migraines in women and between the ages of 20 and 30. Additionally, the severity of the disability is more associated with migraine. This study highlights the importance of considering mental health conditions such as depression when treating migraine. Doctors need to get a good idea to solve the migraine and depression problem in one's life.





