Unlocking Potential: Nurse Practitioners' Roles Within The Indian Healthcare System


  • Neha Kushwaha, Jaya Nutan Surin, Muna Subba, Mihin Rinu


First contact providers, health policy reform, health wellness centers, healthcare delivery, leadership, nurse practitioners


Nurse practitioners, who constitute 30.5% of India's healthcare workforce, serve as a fundamental pillar in the nation's healthcare system. Given the significant shortfall in the provision of essential primary care services, particularly for the most vulnerable populations, the demand for nurse practitioners in India is unmistakable. The current state of nursing in India underscores the pressing need for policy adjustments that would empower nurses to become central figures in primary care delivery. It also lays the foundation for the effective operation of Health and Wellness Centers, with nurse practitioners assuming a leadership role in public health throughout India.

With enhanced training, qualifications, and formal recognition, nurse practitioners can deliver comprehensive, top-tier healthcare. In this research paper, we evaluate the compelling requirement for nurse practitioners to function as the initial point of contact for healthcare services. We draw upon global evidence that establishes the link between nurse practitioners and improved health outcomes, broader coverage, and increased healthcare accessibility. We also delve into their training prerequisites, their role in home-based care, and their potential to facilitate efficient referral mechanisms. Furthermore, we outline a strategy for evaluating their effectiveness.

This policy research paper presents a strong argument for implementing a policy that designates nurse practitioners as the primary providers of initial healthcare services.






