Protocol for a cross-sectional study using whole exome sequencing to identify a relationship between Ayurvedic Prakriti phenotypes and genetic regulation and variation of endometriosis


  • Lakshmi, Akhtar Ali, Kameshwer Nath Singh, Sangeeta Rai


Ayurveda, Prakriti, Endometriosis, Exome


Ectopic endometrial tissue seen outside the uterus is a gynecological condition known as endometriosis. It primarily affects women who are reproductive age and is a significant contributor to infertility and pelvic pain. Dyspareunia, cyclic menstrual pain, persistent pelvic pain, and dyschezia are all endometriosis clinical symptoms that can negatively impact a patient's quality of life and overall health. Therefore, it is crucial to begin medical therapy as soon as endometriosis is clinically diagnosed1

 Prakriti is thought to be a qualitative and quantitative doshika predominance that remains constant from birth to death. When it comes to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases,  Prakriti is crucial,An individual's  Prakriti is determined by the dominant doshas present during the union of Shukra and Shonita at time of birth. Diseases that run-in families are those that are brought on by sperm and eggs that are not normal.2

A genetic method called whole exome sequencing (WES) is used to sequence every gene's protein-coding region, also referred to as the exome. There are two steps to it: The first step is to only choose the DNA segments that code for proteins. Exons are the name for these areas. - Around 180,000 exons, or around 1% of the human genome, or roughly 30 million base pairs, are present in humans. The exonic DNA is sequenced using any high-throughput next-generation DNA sequencing technique in the second stage.3.






