Acupressure, Lavender oil massage and deep breathing technique on pain perception and level of satisfaction among primipara mothers


  • Dr.K.Sivasankari., Dr.Jain Vanitha.N.S


labour pain, lavender oil back massage, acupressure, Large Intestine 4 point, and deep breathing technique


The most awaited ten months of bundle of joy is unwrapped during delivery. However, mothers' delivery experiences are not always enjoyable. The most severe pain is that the woman who undergoes normal vaginal delivery. Despite many measures available to cope with pain the study aimed to determine the efficacy of different non-pharmacological interventions. Quasi experimental study with four groups including three study groups (lavender oil back massage, acupressure, and deep breathing technique) and one control group was adopted using purposive sampling technique. Pain perception and level of satisfaction were the outcome variables. Pain perception was measured using 0-10 combination numerical categorization scale, and a structured rating scale was used to determine the degree of satisfaction. The study results revealed that lavender oil back massage, acupressure and deep breathing technique were effective in assisting the mother with labor pain management and also increased their satisfaction during childbirth.





